Stronger Faster.

New thinking/behaviors
create the future faster.

of Leadership

Pipeline Enabler

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A more powerful
Leadership Pipeline

Stronger Pride

More Relevance

Faster Growth

Stronger Adaptability

More Creativity

Faster Execution

Stronger Relationships

More Strategic

Faster Results

Mark’s Focus…

Mentor / Advisor

Role Model Ownership.
Lead everyone to OWN it.

“I am calmer and make
better decisions every day.

A sounding board and advisor
that is always with you.

Pipeline Enabler

Ignite a Culture in 90 Days.
We OWN the future together.

“Creates a common language for
our leadership to grow faster.”

A partner enabling a
stronger leadership pipeline faster.

Experienced Mark…

Both Face to Face and Online

“Excellent how he conducted the thought process, leading the conversation & debate. Very interactive, interesting and entertaining.”

“I felt Mark challenged the way I think about leading my people, and provided new insights I can apply as a leader.”

“Out of this world level of professor! One of the best I hadever – and I’m born in 1981. Really extremely useful.”

“Mark is a very inspirational and engaging speaker who illustrates every point with very interesting examples which really helps to remember.”

“Marks content was very fitting and he presents it in a very clear way. It is obvious that he lived the content, as it breathes the practical experience he built up over the years. He is able to provide meaningful answers to the questions posed to him.”

“So powerful that it is intimidating. Many takeaways that I will have to work on. And changes have started already.”

“Mark was so much fun and had so many examples and stories to share and his session was the most interactive.”

“I can’t get enough of this guy! He rocks like a metal band! Elegant humor, quotes on the fly, stories that grasp and inspire. Makes the concepts as simple my five year old also got something out of this session!

For Stronger LEADERS Faster…

A little background on Mark…

Lived in Singapore, Egypt, Netherlands, Italy, Japan, UK, and USA. Spoken on ownership leadership in over 50 countries around the world. Led enterprise transformations in Europe, Middle East and Asia. Mentors executives and runs leadership pipeline programs throughout the world. Today, London UK is home with his wife Atsuko.

What Clients Say…

Leadership Programs

"Mark will be remembered in your organisation for a long time. He will help create a common language for leadership that will leverage the power of your leaders and make your talent grow, both professionally and personally.“

Belén Fernández
Vice President Executive Partner, EMEA CHRO Practice, Gartner

Interactive Sessions

“Clarity and simplicity are much underrated nowadays, but Mark makes them shine and move people.”

Juan Manuel Domínguez
Academic Director | Strategic Project Leadership - IE

Interactive Sessions

"Mark is absolutely inspirational, but also to a high extent practical; and leaves the audience with clear actions."

Ellen Marie Nyhus
CEO | Verdane Elevate

Made an Impact in…

Trigger new habits faster!

Reflection is the opportunity to give yourself advice!

Daily Reminders App Icon

Daily Leadership Reminders Webapp:

Ideas, illustrations & animated videos

“A great reminder of how we
should be working with our people.”

Daily Thoughts App Icon

Daily Thoughts Webapp:

Thoughts from a database of 18K.

“Always inspires new thoughts
and action in me each week.”

Do you feel you are
an Ownership Leader?

It’s just seven questions…
…get feedback from Mark.

Other Resources for
You to Grow Faster

Triggers more action within you.

Ideas to action from today.

They are all FREE!

Ownership Leader