Lead your People
to Feel it’s THEIRS.
Create strong ownership
BEHAVIORS in everyone.
Leadership Specialist on the Power of Ownership
Everyone feeling
the achievement
is “THEIRS”.
Whether your team stretches across the country or the world, your people today need to deliver more on their own. If every decision comes through you, you’re taking on a world of work and the team moves at your speed!
I’ll enable you to create a LEADERSHIP PIPELINE that empowers your people to feel it’s THEIRS and OWN the future with you…and together you will create the future faster.
Did you ever think?
…you could be the one
slowing your team!
…stopping your team
feeling it’s THEIRS!
Create a pipeline of
leaders at all levels.
Your People
Your Company
More Time for YOU
Do you feel you are
an Ownership Leader?
Invest a minute to answer these seven questions, and receive personalized feedback from Mark too!
To create the future faster…
Mark makes an impact
with ownership…
Coaching / Mentoring
Role Model Ownership.
Lead everyone to OWN it.
“I am calmer and make
better decisions every day.”
A sounding board and adviser
that is always with you.
Interactive Sessions
Bring Ownership Top of Mind.
We OWN the results.
“Inspirational and practical;
and everyone with clear actions.”
No slides…it’s becomes
a conversation with you.
Leadership Programs
Ignite an Culture in 90 Days.
We OWN the future.
“Creates a common language for
our leadership to grow faster.”
A partner to create your
leadership pipeline faster.
Online Self Study
Create the Future Faster
We OWN the achievement.
“The short lessons make it easy
to do a few lessons at a time.”
Grow ownership leaders
around you faster.
A little background on Mark…
Lived in Singapore, Egypt, Netherlands, Italy, Japan, UK, and USA. Spoken on ownership leadership in over 50 countries around the world. Led enterprise transformations in Europe, Middle East and Asia. Mentors executives and runs leadership programs throughout the world. Today, London UK is home with his wife Atsuko.
What Clients Say…
Made an Impact in…
Trigger new habits faster!
Reflection is the opportunity to give yourself advice!
Daily Leadership Reminders Webapp:
Ideas, illustrations & animated videos
“A great reminder of how we
should be working with our people.”
Daily Thoughts Webapp:
Thoughts from a database of 18K.
“Always inspires new thoughts
and action in me each week.”
Other Resources for
You to Grow Faster
Opportunity to give yourself advice.
Triggers more action within you.
Ideas to action from today.